- 55.2 km from Maui airport
- Located directly on the beach
- Kapalua
- 0.2 km from Fleming Beach
- 0.6 km from Dragon's Teeth Hiking Access Trail
- 0.6 km from Kapalua Golf - The Bay Course
Hotel description
Nestled onto 54 acres overlooking the Pacific Ocean, and enjoy the resort's modern amenities like contemporary guest rooms and suites, championship golf courses, sophisticated dining, extensive event space and spa treatments steeped in Hawaiian culture. Perfect for honeymoons, family getaways and conferences.
Meal and beverage plans
European Plan (No Meals)
- Meals and beverages not included
Additional inclusions
- Daily activities
- Resort activities including basketball, tennis, shuffleboard and croquet
- WiFi throughout the property
- Shuttle service
Upgrade your stay
Upgrade to The Club Level
The Club Level combines comfort and exclusivity with the personalized service and offers a dedicated concierge and a well-appointed, relaxed lounge environment. Continuous culinary offerings include breakfast, light snacks, hors d' oeuvres, beverages and sweets – many reflecting the cuisine of the Hawaiian Islands
Best For...
Wedding & honeymoons
Stay & Save Promotion
Important Notes
The daily resort charge of $55.00 USD plus taxes will be collected and payable locally.
- Signature daily experiences including: Guided Labyrinth Meditation walk, Sunrise Yoga and Hula lessons
- Enhanced High Speed Internet Service
- Kapalua Resort Shuttle Services (travel within Kapalua Resort)
- Complimentary photo session
- Aloha welcome experience with a welcome drink and fresh flowers or kukui nut lei
- Cultural History Tour
- Resort activities: basketball, tennis, shuffleboard, croquet
*Resort fee and Inclusions are subjected to change without notice
The Hotel will collect payment from its guests for any automatic and mandatory charges, and incidental charges not included in the Standard Room Charge. The hotel will hold $200 per night reserved on the bank or credit card that is
presented to cover incidental charges.