- 37 km from Panama City airport
- Located directly on the beach
- Panama City
- 3.4 km away from International Business Park
- 3.9 km away from Parque de Veracruz
Hotel description
Surrounded by many of the city's most prominent destinations, The Westin Playa Bonita Panama offers guests an idyllic retreat on the golden sands of Playa Bonita Beach. The Pacific Ocean and lush, tropical rainforests are only steps away.
Meal and beverage plans
All Inclusive Plan
- Breakfast. lunch, snacks and dinner daily. All buffet meals at either Café Pacifica and Oceanica Restaurant
- Snacks by the pool area
- Unlimited domestic drinks and house wines, at any of the outlets during the hours of operation
Breakfast Plan
- Daily Breakfast
Additional inclusions
- Daily activities
- Nightly entertainment
- WiFi throughout the property
Best For...
Important Notes
Minibar and Room Service are not included with the All Inclusive package
Due to the new Tobacco Control Law Nº 13 of the Republic of Panama, Bern Hotels & Resort are now smoke free at every room and enclosed area of the resort
For guests staying a minimum of 3 nights, 1 a la carte dinner reservation is granted.
For guests staying a minimum of 7 nights, 3 a la carte dinner reservations are granted.